Hurricane Isaias update
July 31, 2020
Naples, FL (July 31, 2020) – The City of Naples staff is closely monitoring the developments of Hurricane Isaias. Currently, Naples is not in the cone of probability, but Southwest Florida still has the possibility of rainfall and wind beginning early Saturday morning. While this storm is not expected to impact the City of Naples or surrounding areas directly, preparations to protect property should be completed as the storm track can change with little notice. Please remember to not place yard waste or debris near drainage inlets as this could increase risk of flooding. With the possible increased rainfall, the City of Naples may experience flooded roads. Do not drive on flooded roads or on any roads with more than six inches of water. Please be patient and wait for the water to drain before traversing city streets.
While City offices will be closed over the weekend, there are several staff members on-call to respond to emergencies and citizen concerns. For law enforcement, Fire-Rescue, stormwater, traffic lights, and code related issues call the non-emergency dispatch number 239-213-4844. For water or sewer issues, call 239-213-4745. Visit the City website for helpful information on hurricane preparedness and emergency resources: