City of Naples City Council to hold the Wednesday, April 15th Regular Meeting utilizing a hybrid platform (virtual and in-person)
April 12, 2020
Naples, FL (April 12, 2020) – In recognition of the current public health emergency, to advance social distancing, and to comply with orders limiting gatherings to 10 or less people, the City of Naples City Council will hold its regularly scheduled City Council Meeting on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 8:30AM utilizing a hybrid platform. Some Council members and City staff will be in attendance via a virtual/digital platform while other members of Council and City staff, including City Manager, will be attending in person.
The public can access the meeting in real time via live streaming on the City of Naples Comcast and Century Link Channel 98, and Summit Broadband channel 95. Meeting agendas and minutes will continue to be available through the City Clerk’s webpage.
Public comment for the regular City Council meeting of April 15, 2020 will be accepted via email. Citizens wishing to provide input may submit their comments to the City Clerk at by 5:00PM on April 14, 2020 rather than attempt to personally attend the meeting. Public comment received via email will be read into the record at the meeting. To provide for exigent circumstances and the opportunity for the public to be heard, public comment can be made at the meeting. For assistance submitting comments, citizens may call (239) 213-1015.

8th Street Corridor Improvements – Phase II
Phase II of the 8th Street Corridor Improvement Project will soon be underway. Phase I of this second phase will be from Central Avenue to 2nd Avenue North. Next week our contractor will begin setup, soil samples, installation of construction signage, and delivery of materials. Beginning April 20th, barricades for traffic management will be installed and clearing and grubbing of site will begin. Please be on alert for construction workers and equipment in the roadway and allow for additional time in your schedule if you traverse this route. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated.
For additional information, please contact the Streets & Stormwater Department at (239) 213-5000 or